Web Site Design

The look and feel of your website can make or break your online success. How many web sites have you visited that looked "cheesy" and you quickly navigated away from them?  Don't make the same mistake with your own web site!

Need a web site designed from the ground up? Or does your current web site needs an updated, fresh, look? Either way, let our graphic designers create a very professional web site for you that will make a GREAT first impression!


The graphics design team at NitroMax has decades of experience in designing and laying out web sites, creating textured backgrounds, roll-over button effects, company logos and many other design elements of a web site. Don't lose important visitors to your site by having a goofy, un-professional web site!

We use several software programs which allow us to create a design in a fairly short period of time using various color "themes".  Once we create your web site and show it to you, if you would prefer different colors on your web site, we can click a few buttons and quickly generate the same web site in the new colors you select.

We can also "tweak" other design elements in a similar, quick, manner which allows you to get exactly what YOU want. Some of the design elements we can do this with include the header where you company logo appears, the menu system, column sizes, button colors and effects, etc...

The section below contains a few design samples in various color schemes.










Alright, how much will it cost to have NitroMax design a web site or update the design of your current site?  There are a number of different factors involved which can vary the cost, one being how many pages your web site needs to have and the complexity of those pages.

However, a fairly simple web site with 5 pages or less starts at only $399! That price includes the entire site design, content layout, domain name registration (so you can have your own .com web site address, that is if you don't already have one), email accounts setup for that domain name, like sales@yoursite.com, and web hosting for a full year!  If your web site is going to be larger than that and may require special features please feel free to contact us to discuss your specific needs.

If you already know how to work with web sites but would simply like NitroMax to give your web site an updated, fresh, look, we can create a new web site design for you and give you a template, including all the accompanying graphics for only $99!  You may also check out some free WordPress Templates.